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Monday, February 6, 2012

Her love...

She lived in a world which she created for herself. She was not a girl from a fairy tale, neither she believed or gave a thought about her prince charming. She was, she was somebody who is always ready to give up anything just for her loved one's happiness, be it her own life or even at the cost of her pain.

She was not self- obsessed; there was nothing self thing for her. She is just on this earth for others, to make others happy... To see them joyful, she saw happiness through their eyes. She felt happy when somebody was happy; she was an open book, her pages soaked with her tears of happiness and inner sadness. She loved her life, the way it was moving. She believed that love is also written in our destiny... She was an angel, sweet, simple, calm...

It was a sunny evening when she saw him for the first time, the very first time, he was aghast seeing her... she was surprised but didn't show it on her face. Her expression changed from surprise to anger to love. For the first time in her life, she wanted something, wanted to do anything for that thing, wanted to hurt anybody who came between her and her newfound thing. She wanted to be friends; rather he wanted to be friends with her. She liked the way he talked, he moved, he looked at her, it was the first time in her life when somebody was caring for her. She liked this attention, but was also afraid because a part of her was practical.

She liked him; both of them knew that they loved each other. The magical moment came, even the thought of that moment elates her, brings joy in her. They both confessed to each other about their love. They never knew when that moment came, but they knew that this is the moment.

She understood him, she too desired to be his desire, desired to be his love, his heartbeat.

When she held his hands, she felt safe, safe from the world, safe from her inner fears which she confronts when he is not with her. She fears he might leave her, but his presence calms her, her heart beats fast when she sees him coming towards her, even a second seems like hours for her without him, and even a day seems like a second with him.  She babbles when he is around, her beautiful face shines when she sees him, coming towards her, even the moon envies her. Her biggest fear is the happiness which she feels around, might end up in pain.

 He is her savior, saving her from the sea of grief, bringing her to the beautiful land of love. He was her life, her very reason to be alive, and her very breath of air.

A new sunrise began for them, a new life, a life full of happiness, a life full of joy, a life full of love and care, a life full of beauty of nature, a life full of …. Life. 

Even a line can inspire you, somebody's life can inspire you. I learnt this while writing this and the previous post- A Touch... I haven't felt as such, but from seeing these from a 3rd person's view, i am beginning to understand what is love. A tribute to all She's who love their He's  and to all He's who love their ladies.. 

His love (http://words-that-matter.blogspot.in/2012/02/version3-provocativeguest-entry2.html) is no different from hers and my thoughts while writing this wandered around them, going wherever they wanted to and wherever they took me to their wonderful world.


  1. Wow...I liked this one a lot! I'd love to meet the people who got you all inspired to write this post :)

    Yes, Love is like this, I guess. Beautiful, safe, secure and warm...nothing or no else matters as long as they're together...and yeah, his love is no different from hers...one dream, one thought, two hearts...nice way to start these week of romance and love :)

    And yeah, it does seem like a response to 'His love' :)
    Keep it up!

  2. Love is a beautiful thing.. The feeling of being in it is really like a fairy tale. Loved the writing and also the picture :)
