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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

An angel of the sea...

I will wait for you by the shores,
While you go around the world,
Because I am the dweller of the land,
And you are an angel of the sea.

I will stand behind you,
Remaining invisible to the world
Because I am your shadow,
And you are my living part.

I will sit beside you,
Listening to your unspoken words,
Because I am your thoughts,
And you are my creator, my heart.

I will search for you in the crowd,
Although you may have gone far away,
Because I am the dweller of the land,
And you are an angel of the sea.


Poetry. More the beautiful ,more it is difficult to write (for me, atleast). Am not a poet, never been one. The length, the meter, the lines, the words may be wrong, but this is what i wish to express. Hope its good.


  1. Amazing poetry! Too beautiful, it's almost heartbreaking...*sighs*

    For you:

    "If you're on the dweller of the land,
    I'd rather be by your side
    Than be the angel of the sea,
    Moving away from you with every tide"

    1. Strange are the words. The more you read it, the more you feel like adding into it. Thank you again , Catherine!

    2. I made a mistake...
      The first line was: "If you're a dweller of the land" (no "on the")!
      And you're sight...I feel like adding more...I just might :) ;)

  2. Yuvi thanks a lot..its simply beautiful..
    Evry line..evry wrd..is so deep..it carries so mny emotions..n all ur feelings..hope I cud replicate my emotions in words like yours..:):)
