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Sunday, December 18, 2011


A few minutes ago, "murderous rage" would have been an understatement. All parts of my body shouting "kolaveri"... what started as a  beautiful moonlit (lunar eclipse-d) evening turned into something i don't appreciate much. but now this evening was the best of all. i mean, in a chilly night
at 11 riding your bike at 60 kmph and you never stopping shivering is indeed something nice.
Back to the main point,Whenever i discuss the topic below, my blood boils and i donot even care about with whom i am talking. This is a very sensitive topic for me.... GOD and the God-Man...
What is religion? According to me, its just different paths to reach a single place. Tha paths may be different, but the goal si same. People forget this very thought sometime.
According to wiki, Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values.
What is God?
Some say he exists and some say he doesnt. I say he exists. According to me, God is the creator of everything. I cant define everything because it is beyond my imagination.
According to wiki, God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe.
 The most common among the qualities of God include omniscience (infinite knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnipresence (present everywhere),
omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence.( A few words are very complicated to me)
As people donot see god very easily, we tend to believe a lots of myth, misconceptions, beliefs, the most important - the so-called godman et cetera related to god.
The reason for my murderous rage was a discussion and lateron the involvement of somebody who believes in god-man. Well, i cannot say whether they are true or not but i don't believe a few of them whom i came across. I have read a few works of these kind of god-man. It says , this material world is a place
where we are not required to dwell for ages( ie. many births). Its not good thing to remain here, one should joint the holy abode. And for that we are supposed to live a life of a hermit. Desires are the root cause of our sufferings in this world(This is partly true) but my question is- Why not have a desire, if one is not having a desire then his life is a standstill. If somebody doesn't desire for things then how could he attain the comforts or at least the basic necessities of life.Since we are born here, it is required that we exploit the resources available and make our living simpler.
The same thing Sir Rabindranath Tagore said- When the god has given this beautiful world like this , then why is man running and hiding inside the hut of a hermit? Looks like a few are afraid to face the hard world.
They say- We should live a life of austerity so that our after-life is more beautiful. My view is-
ok , live a life of austerity ....but we shouldn't make our life miserable just because for our after-life. We shouldn't do any wrongdoings or things which are right but are against the austerity rule
 else we will be any lowly creature in our next life. We as humans remember everything but we can't remember our previous lives, so is the case of 84 lakh species.
Does a cockaroach think that ohh , what a life i am leading just because of my previous life! :(  we dont know but for it, its own world is heaven.
 Same is for humans, we regret , we curse our luck but still we feel that destiny has given me what i deserve and hence move on.
We are following a religion which never belongs to us, we go to temple, mosque, church etc just because we see our elders going. We are just copying and that gradual copying makes us believe that i belong to that religion , this religion and we turn passionate towards it and later become a religious fanatic.
We never explore the religion to which we belong. okay we read the scriptures, but the thing is do we follow it? If a man follows the scriptures, then he is just the purest soul. Many good things are written in the scriptures , we don't follow it because it is very hard to follow , so for the easy way round people tend to follow a "GOD-MAN" , a kind of shortcut for achieving whatever we want without the harder part. But the truth is - we don't get anything from them, just misery..
I hear people saying - go there, u will be free from this materialistic cravings, go there they will teach u how to live ur life. What i say is- This is my life, why should i learn to live form somebody else. We have our conscience, which is a kind of an organization of its own. We know whether we are doing right or wrong. We know whether we should do a thing or not. We are aware of what we are doing. Just reading scriptures doesnt make a person responsible and by the way the scriptures speaks the same things which are fundamental and which is taught to any human since birth in simple terms. If we follow the things which
looks simple then there is no requirement of any outside person to teach how to live life. Our conscience is a watchdog, we cannot escape from it. The number of god-men is increasing in various folds. Looks like its the best profession, u don't require a degree, a financial backup , nothing. Just say something
and lo! u r the god itself!

PS- I am not pointing towards a selected audience of god-men. These are my views and this is meant for those who are conning people and not to those who are doing something real good for the public.

Dated- 10th Dec. 2012


  1. Very well written, Yuvva! I totally agree and I can't begin to describe the rage I feel at these so-called 'God-men'...Could understand what you wanted to say. These chors duping people, conning people all through their lives and so many fools out there actually have this blind faith in them. Religious fanaticism is what I call it! And yup, I guess it's the best profession of all...praised by people in the name of God and no financial worries at all...was that a 'God-man' I just saw speeding away in a Mercedes! ;):D

    Keep up the good work...looking forward to reading more:)

  2. @CJ... yep... They spend their life happily conning others... well, atleast hope that less people fall in their words.. Be human, thats it.
